Kongliga Teknologkören bjuder in till en unik konsertupplevelse i S:t Johannes kyrka. Kom och upplev musiken fylla kyrkovalven tillsammans med oss!
Vi kommer i vanlig ordning bjuda på en blandad repertoar, från studentikost till sakralt, så det kommer finnas något för alla smaker.
Konserterna ges lördagen den 24:e oktober med start kl. 16 och kl. 17:30 och varar ungefär en timme.
Vi följer självklart de gällande restriktionerna vilket betyder att det endast finns 50 biljetter (per tillfälle) och stor möjlighet för er i publiken att sprida ut er bland de 900 sittplatserna.
2020-11-16: Unfortunatly, because of the current outlook of the situation, we have to cancel the jubilee. If you have any questions, please contact jubel@teknologkoren.se. Take care, stay safe, and we'll see you sometime in the future!
New date for the jubilee concert is set for the 27th of March 2021! More information will follow.
Berwaldhallen has decided to cancel all concerts scheduled during March, and with that our jubilee concert too. We are working on finding a new date and venue. You can find information regarding purchased tickets on Berwaldhallen's website.
Year 2020 it's Teknologkören's 90th anniversary, and we want to celebrate that with you on the 28th of March! There will be a big jubilee concert in Berwaldhallen with dinner and partying after that.
More information is on the way, follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get updates.
Looking for a choir to join? Join Kongl. Teknologkören this semester! To schedule an audition, fill out the following form:
The auditions are set to the 29th of August and 2nd of September. We are adapting the autidions according the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations. We encourage you to wash your hands and pursue social distancing during this event. We are also asking all appilcants to stay at home in case of any symptoms.
Kongliga Teknologkoren (KTK) is a mixed choir started in 1930 with around 50 members and we are currently seeking singers of all voices! We rehearse Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at KTH’s central campus. The rehearsals are in English with the occasional Swedish here and there.
Each semester we usually have two concerts and some smaller gigs, go away on rehearsal weekends, and have some parties.
For more information about the auditions go to "Sing with us".
The auditions are over for this time. Thank you to all applicants!
Looking for a choir to join? Join Kongl. Teknologkören this semester! To schedule an audition, fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/2fDi8EeB7QM6bM5j8
Kongliga Teknologkoren (KTK) is a mixed choir started in 1930 with around 50 members and we are currently seeking singers of all voices! We rehearse Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at KTH’s central campus. The rehearsals are in English with the occasional Swedish here and there.
In the spring of 2020 we'll celebrate our 90 years of existence with a large jubilee concert in Berwaldhallen! So if you join now you will be able to participate in this rather big project...
You can find more information about the auditions on "Sing with us". The auditions are set for the 22nd and 26th of January.
We hope to see you there and we hope that you join our soon to be 90 year old community!